Thursday, April 2, 2009

12 pages...sigh*

Yes I know that there has been some neglection to this blog. I just feel that my attention should be in other places....i.e. the 12 pg research paper that I should be working on right now. I'm researching stadiums. I've learned a lot but I don't necessarily want to write about it. But I will.

It's strange to think only 5 more days of school. I must admit that I'm not sad to see this one go. Yes I'll miss my friends and roommates but I'm ready for a change and I want spring/summer to be here. It has snowed every day this week. There was a horrible blizzard on Sunday and now it is just wet cold snow that doesn't stick, but by no means is it the sunshine I've been praying for. I've loved all my classes and expect an A in everyone but one which I'm hoping for a B...research paper....sigh....yes, I must quit now.

I have a lot to tell you all but it must wait till after April 9, at 11:45=Freedom.

There is one thing to look forward to this weekend and that is General Conference. One of my favorite times of the year. Sadly I will not be in Salt Lake to enjoy the festivities. But thats ok, I'll enjoy it from my living room.


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