Friday, January 8, 2010

Life as I know it today

Hello 2010!! I greet you with a warm welcome and a hug. 
As I've reflected back on 2009 I realized that I went to school practically the whole year.  Is it any wonder why I'm so smart?  It was a good year, I grew in many aspects of my life and I made some great relationships with amazing people.

January - I started my last winter semester in Rexburg, and a new job in the RecSports office.
February - Trying to keep warm in the frigid cold
March - I attended the President's Club dinner in SLC an got to meet Elder Eyring.
April - Lots of fun adventures with great roommates, wrote a 12 page research paper on Stadiums, Matt and Jaime McMurry sealed the deal for time and all eternity.
May - My mom came to Rexburg for Mother's Weekend, I booked a cruise for Feb. 20-28. I started summer semester with a new apartment and roommates, Hannah being one of them.
June - My canoeing class started, my roommate Orchid got married and I was way over my head in my senior research class.
July - Summer semester ended with flying colors.
August - I went to WASHINGTON DC!! Put on a huge surprise party for my wonderful mother, and had so much fun in Rexburg during the 7 week break.
September - Started my last semester of college, took a last minute road trip to Powell Wyoming to surprise Ashley (hopefully my future cousin) at her mission farewell.  Went to the Eastern Idaho State Fair 3 times, and had lots of fun with my cousins Chelsey and David
October - Enjoyed the beautiful fall colors, and hosted with Hayley a great Murder Mystery dinner.....favorite Halloween Activity ever.
November - I attended Utah's Women's Conference where I met David Archuleta and saw Laura Bush.
December - went with Hayley to see Forever Plaid, took advantage of every opportunity I had to do my favorite things in Rexburg, cleaned my appartment, partied, and GRADUATED!! Then went to Disneyland for a week.

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