Friday, January 28, 2011


There are very few reasons why I would get up at

in the AM on a Friday

But nothing works better than....

I can't get enough of it. My mom and I are what you could call Zumba-ites. Those funky latin songs are constantly going through my head. I may or may not just randomly start dancing at any given moment.  I even got some ZUMBA PANTS for my birthday.  I love shakin my booty and I feel great!


Anonymous said...

Zumba is way fun. I usually go to the night classes at the gym by my house (before I had to quit to start give myself more running time). It is spendid! Kudos on the 5:30 am wake up.

Heather said...

I've only been to a Zumba class once but I loved it! I don't know if I could wake up at 5:30 to do it though! :)

VonTana said...

That's nothin new! you used to sing random songs and shake your bootie all the time for no reason. - Tana of the state of VonTana