It's the first Sunday in a long time that I have taken the time to just sit down and update myself on my life. This new year has brought many fun new adventures. Some planned and others were very much a surprise. The Lord is blessing me and I know He is guiding me.
Back before Christmas the Bishop called me into his office. I knew a change was coming because the Relief Society president and second counselor were leaving the ward. I was so sad that they were leaving and that I would be released. I had loved my calling in relief society. I loved serving the sisters, we have such a fun, talented and strong relief society, it was a huge blessing to be able to be apart of the great things going on. But I was ready for whatever the Lord had next for me. In the interview the Bishop asked how everything was going in my life (typical in an interview) He then extended the call to be Relief Society President. My jaw literally dropped. He testified to me that he felt that I was the young woman for the job right now. I just started crying. ha ha I was so happy that I was going to be able to stay serving in the relief society but I was scared, then humbled, then just awe struck. I told him I would gladly serve.
I can honestly say that ever since that moment much of my thought revolve around the sisters in my relief society. I have so much love for every single one of them. I know that is hard to believe but it comes with the calling. I find it a huge blessing. I have wonderful counselors and a spectacular secretary, we are now just getting the swing of things. I couldn't be happier. Just a year ago I hated (yes hated) the singles ward. I hated the fact that it was so different than a singles ward up at BYU-I and I didn't really have a group of friends so I felt like I didn't fit in. But through going to activities, participating in lessons, and then serving I've grown to love the singles ward. I love the people and I love the leadership. My new calling has been a blessing in more ways than I can express. It can be time consuming, and I've had a couple sleepless nights with different sisters and situations on my mind. But I have experienced a new level of charity. These sisters are beautiful daughters of God. They all have such divine potential and I just want the best for each of them.
I have loved living at home with my family. My parents have been great mentors, examples and support through every thing I do. Some of my favorite times of the day is just my one on one time with my mom, or talking with my dad. I know that they love me and want the best for me. I appreciate the hardwork they both put in to support our family. I see that more now than I did growing up. But I love them and appreciate all they do. My mom and I are very similar and I love that we can talk, laugh and go to Zumba together. We've been playing a lot of games recently and I just get the giggles every time my dad plays. He doesn't really like to play but I appreciate his sacrifice to do so.
I love being able to spend time with Caleb and Dinah. I just think of where they are right now and how ahead of me they are when I was their age. Caleb is the nicest teenage boy I know. He has a wonderful sense of humor and is so considerate of others. Not to mention how handsome he is becoming. We can have a wonderful conversation and he has a lot to offer as a 14 year old boy. Dinah is adorable. She just turned 12. It's been so fun to see her transform into a young lady. She is one of the happiest people I know. Being the baby of the family she sometimes gets treated as such but she takes it like a champ. I love watching her progress in her ballet and harp. Dinner time has become one of my favorite parts of the day when we all sit around the table and just talk and laugh. I know that these experiences are numbered so I'm not taking them for granted.
Having the rest of my family live near by is a huge blessing. Jacob and Cori with Benjamin and Grace usually stop by a couple times a week. Watching their family grow and develop has been so fun. Jacob and Cori are wonderful examples of working hard and living the commandments. I know it isn't easy to live off of one income, and Cori living so far away from her family but they do it, and I love them for it. I appreciate their interest in my life, and always making me feel special. I love that Abby and Steve living 5 mins away. Abby and I were two peas in a pod growing up, now circumstances have changed but our relationship hasn't; I appreciate both Abby and Steve's friendship. They as well are great parents and I appreciate the fact that they make family a priority in their life.
Sarah has always been the leader of the pack in the family. I'm amazed at her hard work and dedication. I know it isn't easy but Sarah always makes it look easy. I appreciate her intellectual outlook on life. She is very informed on everything and I can go to her for any type of help. Sarah and I have a similar love for Experiential Education. It's so fun share different ideas and activities. Hannah is having the time of her life at BYU Idaho, and actually following in my footsteps more than she anticipated but she is making her own trail. I love the fact that I can help by letting her know what classes to take, who to talk to and most of all which guys to dance with at country dancing. I love that when she's home she usually ends up sleeping in my bed even though there is a bed (sometimes 2) available to her.
BYU SPORTS!!! Some may not call this a good time, but I love it. Having season passes to football and now with my mom's sports passes being able to go to basketball, (yes I've been Jimmered) it's been a blast. We even went to a volleyball game and a gymnastics meet. This adventure is one that I wasn't planning on at all, but I'll gladly take it. The energy you feel by just being there with all the other fans is irreplaceable. I didn't know my blood pressure could be affected by a score board. I just can't help myself when the I witness the Cougars win another great game.
Dating...its just great. I love having a best friend that I grow to love more each day. Plus who doesn't like to steal a few kisses every now and then? He's been by my side through the good and bad, supported me in my calling, and has taken the time to get to know my family. Who knows what the future holds but I'm just enjoying each day I have with him.
So there you have it. The feelings of my heart today on this beautiful Sunday. I've been looking for a picture to add to this. The one that comes to mind right now is this painting by Greg Olsen.
"Be Not Afraid"
I may not know what to expect in the future, but I know that I don't need to fear. If I do my part, and strive to keep progressing the Lord will bless me. I strive to make His will my will. It can be difficult at times, but the end result is so much better than I could imagine. I love the Savior Jesus Christ. I love the Gospel and joy and peace that it brings into my life. I love the temple and the feeling of comfort that I receive when I enter the doors. I love the Book of Mormon and I know that it is another testament of Jesus Christ, what it teaches and proclaims is true.
Life is Good...Cheers!
Thanks for sharing all that's happening in you life and your family. Thanks for your testimony.
Love you!
AMEN. I love this post. You are wonderful. Thanks for the happy thoughts :)
You are so beautiful! Even if I didn't know you were physically beautiful, I'd know you are beautiful because of your radiating spirit.
I love you!
By the way, you forgot to blog about your long-lost sister Larissa. Strange, don't you think? ;-)
Love this post, and I love you too!
I love how happy we can be because we have the gospel. Can you imagine not having it?! Everything about my life and who I am would change, and I'm sure I would try to find happiness in other ways, but maybe fail to find true happiness.
I'm so glad that I too was born in the church. I feel so sad for all my friends who don't know what they're missing out on and they think that I don't know what I'm missing out on--little do they know! I just wish everyone were quick to believe in truth :)
Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Bekah,
I love you! You need to come visit one of these times you are in Provo. :)
A'capella. Bekah. This makes me miss having you around to talk to. Come home please.
Bekah!! I somehow missed that you are the relief society president now! Congrats! That is awesome. I can totally picture you doing a great job at that! It's fun to read about how your life is going right now. Miss you!
I love you! I want you in MY ward. I want to talk to you and hear everything. But the second best thing to being in your ward? Having Mr. DeHann in my stake. Well, actually, he doesn't even know me and I don't even know him but I feel like he's a legend because of you and I just found out Sunday (LONG story) that he's in my stake and I didn't care about anything except wishing you were there to vouch that he's cool
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