Day 4: The Amish Market and The Newseum
This was Friday, and it was a very relaxing day although I did promise Sarah that I would wake up and have breakfast with her, so I was up at 8 eating with her before she headed to school. Then CJ and I went to the Amish market. I had never been to one before, but have wanted to. There was one only 10 mins away from her house. It was a fun experience. They had everything you could think of food wise, and it was in different "stations", I couldn't buy honey at the meat register, I had to buy it at the pastry register. They were sampling some DELICIOUS cheeses, oh my goodness they were so good. The butcher block smelt so good with the bbq sauce and seasonings. We treated ourselves to stuffed pretzels and fresh squeezed lemonade. All of the employees were dressed in the traditional Amish attire, and it seemed that each family had a different station or department. It was a fun experience and I'm glad we took the time to go.
Next stop The Newseum. But on our way into town I was able to see this beautiful sight...
The temple is right off of 495, one of the busiest highways. You come around a bend and boom there it is. It's even better at night.
We made it to the Newseum, and it was wonderful. We first made a stop at the restroom, here is a cute picture of Cora while we were waiting for her mom.
These are some of the signs in the bathroom, there are misprinted headlines. They were pretty funny.
There were so many exhibits to see and I wish I could have spent more time with each one, one of my favorite parts of the museum was the photos. They had a couple exhibits about photography. It was amazing to see history through pictures. Some were not planned at all but turned out amazing.
Here is a piece of the Berlin wall.
They had a huge exhibit about 9/11. Here is the wall of headlines.
This is a antenna from one of the towers.
A piece of the Pentagon. Right next to this was an exhibit about a photo/journalist who was having breakfast then heard the news and went in to take pictures. He survived the first tower calasping, but went back in and didn't survive the second. They retrevied his camera and found pictures that were taken just before he died.
Here is a piece of the Flight 93 that crashed in PA
This is out in front of the Newseum, everyday they have headlines from every state.
It was a fun day. I loved everything about this museum. It was so interesting to see the improvements and evolution of the news and the way it's broadcasted. I highly recommend this place if you are ever in DC. It cost $20 but it's good for 2 days and its worth every penny.
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